If we have worked on your computer or you have purchased one from us after January 2020, there’s an excellent chance that a program called Malwarebytes is installed and currently running. Malwarebytes is represented by the blue icon (right). Think of Malwarebytes as a second line of defense to your primary protection called Windows Defender (sometimes referred to as Windows Security), represented by the yellow triangle-shaped icon (right).
While Malwarebytes is an excellent second line of defense, unfortunately, it may automatically switch you to a trial version of their premium version when it asks to be updated. As the 14-day trial is about to expire, it can lead one to believe that they’re about to become unprotected or vulnerable. Again, your primary protection Windows Defender, (sometimes referred to as Windows Security), has you well protected. Purchasing the premium version of Malwarebytes is not necessary.
How To Fix
1) Double-click on the Malwarebytes icon. Once it opens, look in the upper left-hand portion of that window (indicated by the red arrow on the right). If it says “Premium Trial”, then proceed to the next step.
2) Look in the upper right-hand portion of that window and click on the gear (indicated by the red arrow right).
3) Click on the tab entitled “Account” (indicated by the red circle on the right).
4) Click on “Deactivate” (indicated by the red circle on the right).
5) Click on “Yes” (indicated by the red circle on the right). Should Microsoft ask, “Do you want the following program to make changes on your computer” please select “Yes”. Again, while you are agreeing to deactivate the protection of the premium version and revert to the free version, you are fully protected by the pre-existing Windows Defender, which we believe is as good if not better than anything you can purchase on the market.