Outreach Journal: May 25th, 2024

Outreach Journal: May 25th, 2024

We started loading up our old truck and trailer the night before our outreach event with totes full of provisioning—just business as usual. Upon departure, I always take a picture, which I’ve posted here. We call the 36-year-old farm truck “Ole’...
Outreach Journal: April 27th, 2024

Outreach Journal: April 27th, 2024

Usually, I would start by writing about the logistics of how the day was put together, beginning with how the provisioning was obtained and the food bags assembled. While all of that is important, I’ll instead jump right into some events that took place on Saturday,...
Outreach Journal: March 30th, 2024

Outreach Journal: March 30th, 2024

We were blessed with an unprecedented amount of food during March. A little-known nonprofit entity in town, which had a small food pantry, decided to close its doors. They heard of our outreach through word of mouth and asked if we’d be interested in their...
Why buy here?

Why buy here?

Locals know I will stand behind my product when they purchase their computer from me.  That’s the bottom line.  Although I’ve enjoyed about a one percent failure rate out of the carefully selected models we’ve chosen to offer if you were to be the...
Online and Phone Hoaxes

Online and Phone Hoaxes

If you receive an unsolicited phone call or see a webpage from someone claiming to represent Microsoft or any other company, hang up immediately. This is a hoax, and the caller will try to trick you into giving them personal information or money. Companies will never...
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